Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bug of the Day, or, How I Escaped from the Evil Empire

I saw the bug description and my heart sank.  It was that dreaded two-letter word: IE.

I do not own a Windows computer, which means that I would have to borrow one, and worse, that I'd have to debug remotely. Also, debugging on Internet Explorer is a pain in and of itself.  Only Firefox has historically provided good support for debugging JavaScript.

Before I actually borrowed the Windows, though, I looked at the bug again.  The bug said that the text "null" appeared under the chart image on the examples page in IE.  I thought to myself, "Oh, the image URL string that's supposed to be printed under the chart is coming up null in IE."  To verify this, I went to our QA engineer and asked her about the bug.

"So the image URL is coming up null in IE?" I asked.

"What image URL?" she asked.

Apparently, there was no text at all under the chart image in Firefox, Chrome etc.  This looked fine to the QA engineer, but I knew that that was incorrect as well.  In fact, it probably meant that the bug was really one unified cross-browser bug; the method that was supposed to return the image URL was returning null, and the only difference was that IE printed the URL as the text "null" and Firefox didn't print it at all.  In this case, the behavior of IE was actually more helpful.  Imagine my relief!  In all probability, I wouldn't have to deal with IE after all.

So I went back to good old Firefox and opened the examples page.  As soon as I looked at the page source, it was clear that the example was getting the image URL with the wrong signature -- a signature I'd used previously but had since abandoned.  Apparently, since I'd changed the signature, I hadn't even opened the examples page.  I just ran the tests and submitted the code without looking at what the code actually did.

That was kind of embarrassing, but in terms of present work, it was great!  It meant that the problem was in our private examples page, not in the public API code I'd written.  All I had to do was fix the function signature in the example and the "bug" would be fixed.

However, when I fixed the signature, I was in for another surprise; an unpleasant surprise.  The URL showed up, but the chart was gone!  How could printing a URL string make the chart disappear?  I tried printing "hello world" instead of the URL, which, of course, had no effect on the chart.  After messing around for a few minutes, I realized what was going on.  The code to compute the URL was actually clearing the chart's container!  That means that any call to retrieve the image URL would kill the chart in the process.  The entire image URL feature I'd implemented was worse than worse than useless: it was thoroughly evil!

Once I discovered this, it was very easy to fix: I just had to save the image URL instead of recalculating it.  This was something I'd been planning to do anyway, but I probably wouldn't have gotten around to it before the release.

In conclusion, an evil bug in my production code had been hiding behind a bug in my example code.  And it would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for the vigilant eye of our QA engineer, and a little browser they call Internet Explorer.

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